relationships are burdensome,
if only we can really be #foreveralone.
Labels: its not what you think .
the truth is,
i'm #foreveralone, like for real .
Labels: foreveralone seems good enough
when you feel taken for granted by people,
you want to be selfish and just stop being nice.
when you try to be selfish,
you start hating yourself.
just when can we all 'grow up'.
treat me just like how you want me to treat you,
although, i can guarantee that i always do a thousand times better.
not doing it for anything in return, cos its not an investment, just so because you are still my friend.
yours truly,
Labels: grownuptalk
等夏天等秋天, 等下个季节
要等到月亮变全, 你才会回到我身边
要不要再见面, 没办法还是想念
突然想看你的脸, 熟悉的感觉
只想让你知道, 我真的很好
爱一生恋一世, 我也会等你到老
只想让你知道, 放不下也忘不掉
你的笑你的好, 是我温暖的依靠
exams are around the corner,
it means we are a step nearer to graduation,
merely the thought of your not being around me,
DramaQueen .
Labels: lost again